Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Breakout Notes

                         Speaking Truth Boldly in a Secular Culture 

The truth will cost you something.  What are you willing to pay?

“The Power of the Powerless” by Vaclav Havel

“The greengrocer, posts a sign in his shop bearing the well-known slogan from the Communist Manifesto, stating “Worker’s of the world, unite!”  He doesn’t believe in it.  But he hangs it in his shop as a signal of his own conformity.  He just wants to be left alone.  His action is not meaningless though: the greengrocer’s act not only confirms that this is what is expected of one in a communist society but also perpetuates the belief that this is what is means to be a good citizen.

However, one day something in the greengrocer snaps and he stops putting up the slogans merely to ingratiate himself.  He begins to say what he really thinks.  And he finds strength to express solidarity with those whom his conscience commands him to support.  In this revolt the greengrocer steps out of living within the lie.  He rejects ritual and breaks the rules of the game. He gives his freedom concrete significance.  His revolt is an attempt to live within the truth.  He has demonstrated that living a lie is living a lie.  He has shown everyone that it is possible to live within the truth.”

“Neutrality is a lie from the enemy wooing us into an apathetic coma of weak convictions and even weaker souls.”  

  • We must believe the Word of God more than we believe anything else if we are to ____________.
  • _____________ is not a short cut for skipping the hard work.
  • It takes consistent work to oppose the drift of _______________.
  • We have to develop the skill of ___________ ______ as a Christian
  • Learn about the suffering faithful men and women in the past.  Be encouraged in their __________.
  • Our standard is ___________.
  • Foster __________ spiritual disciplines
  • Desire Him for His ___________ alone!

How to Suffer Well: ‘TRUST’

  1. Train/Teach yourself and your family what a biblical worldview says about life
  2. Read and study the stories of the heroes of the Christian faith
  3. Understand that there is suffering in this life, but keep your focus on eternity
  4. Study God’s truth & character through His Word, hide it deep in your heart
  5. Testimony- live your life as a testimony and a reflection as an image bearer

A Benediction:

May you grow in wisdom and in stature like our Lord.  Through His Spirit may His overwhelming love for you be made known in a very tangible way.  May you desire Him, not for His benefits or your pleasure but for His holy presence. 

I pray that you will be women who are faithful in the small truths so that you will never waiver in the larger ones.  May you be devoted to make disciples of all who the Lord fills your life with.  I beseech you to become women of courage and boldness, gentleness and truth.  I pray that you will always stay eternal minded for the glory of His name.  May you forever live for an audience of One.  Amen.  

Application Questions:

1.  What have you had to give up for your faith?

2.  What do you fear you will have to give up for your faith?

3.  Have you ever compromised your faith to accommodate the world/culture?

4.  How are you equipping your children to stand against culture?

5.  How do you nurture your relationship with the Lord?  Do you have a practice or rhythm?

6.  How do you prepare for suffering?

Further Reading/quotes:

Natasha Crain- Faithfully Different, Keeping Your Kids on God’s Side

Rod Dreher- Live Not By Lies

Trevin Wax- The Thrill of Orthodoxy

David F Wells- God in the Whirlwind 

Elizabeth Elliot- Suffer is Never for Nothing

Personal blog-

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