Wednesday, August 3, 2022




 I love puzzles.  I enjoy playing games that are super involved and intricate and require strategy and planning.  Escape rooms have become a "thing" in my family now that my kids are old enough to participate and I can proudly say, there hasn't been a room we haven't been able to escape from- yet.  

Here is an example of one of our many Escape Room expeditions.  

    My mind loves to connect the dots, find the hidden ways objects are clues and riddles are all interconnected.  It's fascinating to me.  And I also find the people who are really good at making those clues and puzzles the most brilliant people that we walk among.  

    I also love a good story.  I am a voracious reader (and so are my children) And I make it a point to fill our home and our lives with the best ones I can find.  Literally.  We have a library and we frequently run out of walls and bookshelves.  

Here is an example of one wall in our home.  Library.  

    This is why I love the Bible so much!  It's the greatest story ever told- and continues to be told- and it's filled with intricate puzzles and riddles, imagery and motifs all woven within the pages of divinely inspired narratives, poetry, history, prophecy, and so on.  It's God's love story of redemption (Isaiah 44:22) and we are invited in, to meditate on it day and night (Psalm 1).  His Spirit wants us to learn the truth (John 8:32) about the nature of God (1 John 4:16), His world (Genesis 1:1), and His creations (John 1:3).  And He wants to dwell (Psalm 90:1) with us as we abide in Him (John 15:4).